5 ⭐️ STARS. Days later I CANNOT get this story or the characters in the book out of my mind. Serious book hangover. This is another BRILLIANT book from Aleksandr Voinov!
This writing had me immersed in this story, in London and working at a Private Equity fund through the financial crisis of 2008. While reading this story, I was amazed again by the depth of Voinov’s knowledge. I have read many of the authors books, each book on a different subject and every story brilliantly told, developed, and researched. He has a way of telling a Historical event and making it so fascinating that I always want to learn more about it on my own after completing the books. This story was of interest for me from the beginning, living in NYC and working on the sales side in finance, I was sucked in immediately. Remembering this event, yet seeing from a personal Europeans view really brings home the impact of this event worldwide. The feeling of London and the economy at this time were created perfectly.
The characters were fascinating, each adding to the romance and strategic tactics of the industry. The personalities and interactions, the manipulations and repercussions. I highly recommend this story. At the end I was left shaking, I wanted more. I especially wanted more information on Francis and possibly a bit more from him emotionally at the end. Voinov is a favorite, his books are unforgettable. Highly recommend. I am keeping my fingers crossed for RISK RETURN, please more about Francis. VOINOV's writing is so special, he has a way that I think about the characters and stories long after reading.